Raspberry Poptarts on Ice

Raspberry Poptarts on Ice

I’m quite sure that many of you, especially with kids, have heard about the ice shows such as Disney on Ice. Well this monologue will not include any discussion of animals skating to the tune of music to the delight of young children and their parents. However, it will be light and thought provoking. If it helps, music is playing in my head! I suggest you put on some light music while you read. I will wait until you have done so.

Better?! LOL

First, what a great weekend we had this last weekend in terms of weather. Mother Nature provided us with a reprieve from the weather we have been forced to endure. However, as a New Englander, this is typical and a long time in coming. We have not had a winter like this in a few years.

Secondly, there is progress with the DD guy. I know where he is from, that he lives not to far from me, that we now chat quite frequently in the morning, and that even though I have not done a thing to approach him about a date, I still find his personality very attractive. Some day soon!

And now, the main event! Because Mother Nature has graced us with these gorgeous days (funny how one can consider 30 degrees as warm!) it provided an opportunity this past Sunday to remove a lot of the ice that had built up over the past few storms. I will say that it was a lot of fun! I love breaking stuff! If you need to interject and say I am weird, I will tell you to take a number! :-)

On Sunday, I attacked the ice in the driveway. Yes, I attacked the ice, and breaking up the ice was fairly easy, due to the tools I was using (garden tools are used for more than just gardening, FYI), and that I found a rhythm in breaking up the ice. Even the ice that was 3 inches or more was no match for me and my posse of tools! The hardest part was the clean up. Pushing all the heavy ice to the sides of the drive way, and tossing it on waist high snow. In the end, I spent 2 ½ hours outside working on the driveway. I welcomed the hard work and sweat, and it gave me time to think, which for many of you who know me, realize I do too much of that anyway. However, this time the thought process was constructive and most enlightening!

The ice in the driveway, for me at least, represents the issues that I struggle with. Oh, BTW, I’m not excluding myself from the rest of you. We all have issues, whether you realize it or not. If you think you are special and have no issues, give me a call, and I’ll help you find a few issues! LOL

First, you need to identify that there are issues in your life that either you are unhappy with or that are causing you discomfort. One issue I have is people wearing spandex. Please for the love of fashion, never wear spandex. If you must, for the love of Jupiter’s moons, cover it up. I digress.

Second, the identification of an issue is one piece and the impact they have is another. In order to clear the path, one needs to work on both pieces. It is easy enough to break issues down, it is quite another to actually push them aside and remove them completely.

Like an unwanted guest (or bad hair coloring), issues do not go away on their own. Issues require work, and even then it takes time. It takes a lot, and I do mean a lot of work. You have to punch through them and break them up, and then push them aside. Like the ice, they will disappear with time (unless we are on the brink of another ice age, and then I will think of another story line). Think about it. The ice will probably not melt until June! A good friend commented “It is interesting that the ice moved from the driveway, will be the last to disappear.” Hmmm.

I am most thankful for these moments when I can look at myself and see the progress that I have made, and the continued progress that I have yet to achieve. I am thankful for my place in life. I’m not where I want to be, but it is fun getting there. Knowing your demons is half the battle. They may never go away, but at least you know who they are. And tell them to wear something nice, and to never wear spandex! It is your life and your party.

Another quote came to mind, as I make plans for my next million (which will arrive with my future ex husband) – “Life happens while you are making plans”.

Well my friends, I hope you have enjoyed Raspberry Poptarts on Ice! May the rest of your winter be warm and pleasant. If not, pick up an ice pick and attack the ice! BTW – If there is no ice, go to your freezer. If there is none there, you have more issues than can be handled by this blog.

Many hugs!