Wonderful Thanksgiving, With Wonderful Raspberry Poptart Surprize (28 November 2008)

Yes. Yes. On two fronts! :) Two stories in one week!? What the hell! And that raspberry poptart is incorporated into Thanksgiving, How fun!

This was the first year that I hosted TDay on my own, and it was fantastic! To be honest, I was scared of the turkey. Not about the carving part (because I dissected many animals as part of schooling and on the farm), but about cooking. If you recall The National Lampoon Christmas Vacation where one of the guests made the turkey, and when Chevy Chase goes to carve it, it opens up like a steam ball and is completely dry. There was not enough water or wine to help with the dryness. Well that was my fear, much like many of the horror movies I have watched, I was afraid of the DRY TURKEY!

I have great friends, and an excellent cook for a roomate (that would be Andrew), that helped with this most blessed day. Did I just say blessed. What the hell? What does that mean? This day was probably the most fantastic day I have had in a while. The last thanksgiving (sorry mom and Teresa, wasn't your fault), I caught a flu bug from one of my relatives, and holding down a sip of water was like a 1 year old trying to hold down a bull. WAS NOT GOING TO HAPPEN. It was like the Excorist had taken hold of my body. The best thing about Thanksgivng 2007 was that it was the first time in a long time that the entire family was there. Mother(Nancy), Father(John), Teresa, John Jr, their significant others and children and me were in the same place at the same time. It was truley amazing, and scary at the same time. I did not realize until now how powerful that was. I was more thankful then about the comfortable bed and TV in the room that I had stored myself in. Other people's children are great, because i can give them back! However they have a powerful 'anti-children' sense, and can deliver viscious colds upon you, and that's exactly what happened.

My family had a most excellent dinner that day, and checked on me frequently. They are my family, and I love them.

Did I mention it hurt to move? Nope! It sure did! That sucked, because when I wanted to change the channel, had to find the trashcan or toilet!. That was the 'Karen Carpenter TDay Diet Plan". Anyway, I digress, as I usually do.

TDay 2008 started off very busy. Prepping the turkey, the stuffin (sausage and apple), etc. Up at 630. Didn't hit the bed until late, and enjoyed every moment. This day was a day of Firsts - Friends, Family, and Fun. There was lots of Silver. Silver salt and pepper shakers, silver flower holders, silver sald bowl, silver butter holder, silver, silver silver. Do you get it? I like Silver. Gold is for other folk (possibly pedestrian folk, LOL). Jeanne brought it all. She is one of my best friends, and I cherish that, more than I could ever express in words. Sabre, Leigha, and Sean were also there (and Andrew for brief time before he left for his brother's), and we had a graet dinner. The turkey was cooked in a brown paper bag. DO NOT QUESTION THE BROWN PAPER BAG! It kept the turkey moist, only basted(sounds like??? LOL) it at the end. It was very tender, and am currently making soup. Yummm!

I am most thankful for my friends, my family, my roomate, and my ability to rise above the crap that surrounds me. The crap sometimes gets me down, as that is life, but the ability to recognize that is powerful in itself. It is not what one experiences, but how it is handled that makes the person.

With that readers, have a great holiday season and will blog with you soon. This weekend's project is to put these raspberry poptart stories into a blog.

OK, not done yet. A DD story - Andrew has offered to buy the guy from DD for me for xmas. How fun! FYI - He won't fit in a stocking, nore should he wear one.

When Raspberry Poptarts Have No Raspberrys (26 November 2008)

Kind of a weird thought, huh. Raspberry poptarts with no Raspberrys! I have yet to come across this situation, and let me tell you if this should happen, there will be issues ( can you see my head rocking back and forth, along with a double finger snap), lots and lots of issues. The fall out of such an action of leaving the raspberrys out of raspberry poptarts would kind of be like the astronaut that lost it, went across country in a diaper to kidnap the other woman, except I would be going to battle creek MI, and I will stop for Bio Breaks. If diapers are to be a part of my life, it will not be through any action of my own. I best be a vegetable. I digress.

So, how did this story arise? I was cooking one of my favorite dishes, chicken and broccoli risotto. At the same time, I was making a new dish Spicy Mac & Cheese (OMG, how delish), and trying to entertain my friend Mike. My mind was in a lot of different places, and not from just cooking two dishes. The past couple of weeks have been rather trying and difficult. For the first time in a while, I have been exposed to friends losing loved ones. The collateral damage was and still is challenging, as their loss is mine as well. I guess you could say that I have been insulated from experiencing the pain of losing loved ones, regardless of how involved in their lives I was. These past couple of weeks was meant to remove the insulation and expose me to reality, shattering whatever bubble I was in.

OK. That was deep. Back on to some liter fair. Back to the story (OMG, how fun!). So now that you have a sense of where my mind was, and know that I have a smile on my face, you can guess that my mind was distracted while cooking dinner the other night. I was in rare form. I'm not sure I knew who I was, but I was enjoying every minute of my "goofiness". As I get to the end of cooking the risotto dish, and am ready to put the broccoli into the pan to complete the dish, I suddenly realize, and say out loud "There is no chicken in that pan, and any chicken I do have is in the freezer. How can a dish be chicken & brocolli rissoto if there is no chicken?!" Completely flustered, and out of my mind with laughter because I am flustered. I put the broccoli into the pan, finished cooking the dish, and said to my friend Mike - we are going out for dinner. And we enjoyed ribs.

Now, onto the DD guy (yummm, DD Guy). It has become a tradition, as you may have figured out from the previous stories, but for those of you that are new to these short stories, that I make my way to the DD store on Fridays. If asked why I go on Friday's and not other days, its because I get munchkins for my cube mates, and a way to celebrate the end of the week. You know I am not telling the whole truth, right? Can't you see there is a plan? I go on Friday's as a treat, not just for my cube mate's but because I treat myself to drooling over this man that works at DD (also because there are lots of trucks and men in trucks, which means lots of men). If I went every morning, it would not be a treat, and because I would go broke feeding my cube mates! So I have become accustomed to my Friday DD Guy Fix.

Well today is Friday, because the work week is over! So I got my fix this morning. I was very close to giving him my business card. But one has to wonder, as I do so much and often too much, do I want to give up my fix for something more or risk losing the fix all together? Alas, I retreated, but not without some spoils.... As he handed me the munchkins, our hands touched. I have to tell you that I never really believed in how a touch could linger but it did. It surprised me a bit as well, in a very nice way. I mumbled out something about turkey day, and walked away. Its almost as if the universe said, "Here is a treat! Enjoy". I am glowing and happy over this. next time I will hand him my card, I promise! :-)

If I have learned anything over the last couple of weeks, it is that life is that risks are required in order to enjoy the fullest life possible. Life is to be celebrated and cherished, because it can be gone in an instant.

To you, the reader, Have a great holiday. Be well, share life and love.

Deep Thoughts by Raspberry Poptart (8 November 2008)

Do you recall on SNL those quick sayings by Jack Handey? I happen to run across one the other day and believe it or not, I forgot who it was or where it came from, until I read it.

"Imagine a world without war, and full of peace. Now imagine us attacking that world because they would not suspect it" - Jack Handey.

Those are the twisted thoughts that go through my mind as I tackle the world of leaves. Here is another thought, to the tone of the Visa commercial
  • Leaves falling from trees - $0
  • Wet leaves that the leave blower can't get - $0
  • Starting to rain and then you've put everything away and when the rain stops - $0
  • Knowing you got through 1/5 of the yard, and you are wet with perspiration, and hate nature - $0 and pissed off
  • Satisfaction - zero....

These are my thoughts as I did try to tackle the yard today. And there are still so many leaves to come down. I appreciate the circle of life, but on a movie, not in my back yard thank you.

Don't get me wrong, I'm just having fun now. I closed up shop because it did start to rain (or was that perspiration coming off my head, I digress), and was running out of bags to collect the wet heavy leaves. I love yard work, and I love to get dirty, but somehow leaves just don't do it for me. It's like trying to pick out grains of rice in hay - it just stinks! But it has to be done.

Other thoughts ran through my mind today, one happened to be this morning at Dunkin Donuts - no not the one with the guy I am afraid to talk to, the one down the street from where I live.

I was in line waiting, and I saw a father and his son. The boy couldn't have been more than 3 (its hard for me to gauge these children's age, nothing personal, just not my thing), and he was just bee bopping around, and his father was very playful. What struck me even more was that from that moment, I glimpsed that this dad allows his son to be who he is without question, without reserve, just there to protect and support.

Now we can all take a lesson from that - just support each other, and be there to protect when need be, so that we can be who we are.

I've got that with you, and you have that with me.

And on that note, no more leaves today. I'm going to veg in front of the tv and watch those leaves collect on the lawn again.

Raspberry Poptart Overdose (31 October 2008)

Overdose, raspberries, poptarts?" Perish the thought. And if you speak those words near me, be prepared. It won't be pretty.

Who ever said moderation was good, has not seen men in trucks, or when these men in trucks come equipped with raspberry poptarts. They would think moderation is a foul word as well!

I am delighted by the feedback regarding these raspberry stories. Many of you have started to idolize raspberry poptarts, smiling each time you see the box which is conveniently place on your microwave (I too have a box on top of my monitor at work - alas it is empty, but not to worry, there's more boxes in the drawers). Others have taken into providing me more poptarts than a person should have ever in a life time (have I mentioned my raspberry poptart party - bring your favorite raspberry poptart). One friend went so far as to mail me a box of poptarts - that going me going! And most of all, each one of you knows that this isn't about the poptarts, but getting through the challenges in life, and making the most of it!

Writing these stories has been on of the most therapeutic things I have done in a long time, and my therapist is verry encouraged. She decided that I wasn't crazy, just wacked! And I love being wacked. Sometimes I go into therapy and ask her what she wants to talk about! She just gives me that smile that says I should not mess with her - she has more tricks than I, but my tricks are more entertaining.

Part of this process is learning to be comfortable with who I am, taking the good and the bad. I love the bad parts, especially those that entertain thoughts of men in trucks. Woof. It has taken almost 39 years to get to a point where I can say I am comfortable in being different than others, and so much so that I relish in it. Its a way of life, and the more comfortable I am, the less I worry, and the less I worry, the less I have to pay my therapist! There are many challenges left, but they are much easier to tackle these days, and not so overwhelming.

Many of you have asked about the DD Guy. I finally had the courage to say hi, and asked him to pronounce his name. He did and then smiled (to me it looks likes hes flirting, and maybe he knows, or maybe that's just him, in either case I smiled back). I melted - Did not know how to respond. So I said have a good day, and left, kicking myself for not saying anything more. I punished myself by having cinnamon poptarts instead of raspberry - icky gross.

Then today, as with most fridays, I made my way to DD, and there he was again. The DD guy. AND, AND (are you ready) he asked me how it was going, and gave me that smile again. I responded that it was much better now. And that damned smile of his.

I wonder if he would blush knowing that I write about him. I blush now, just thinking about him! I wonder if he knows he might be my future ex-husband some day. Damn it - anyone want to go to DD at 11:30 with me!? I'll buy...

Last, a fun story about my roommate, Andrew. He decided that he needed a go-kart (because he didn't have one) and bought one last friday night at an auction. Saturday we picked it up (oh and there's a half hour lost on that day waiting for a hot dog for lunch - won't ever get that back) and delivered it to his office in Medway, but not before he took it for a spin. One minute he was close by putting around, and the next, I couldn't hear the buzz of the go-kart. Next thing I know he's being pulled over by a police officer - apparently there are not any crack houses in Medway or hookers, otherwise this would not have happened. For the next several minutes, Andrew and the officer are having a conversation. "Would you like me to take away your license? Don't you have to drive to work" the officer asks, and without missing a beat, Andrew replies "Nope!". Nearby, one of Andrew's limo drivers is cleaning a limo. The officer points to the limo driver and asks Andrew "What if he hits you with one of these vehicles?" Andrew quickly replies "He's fired!" LMAO I did for about an hour. The humor may be lost on you because its one of those things you had to be there to see, but the story still plays in my mind - big cop car, little itsy bitsy go-kart with andrew behind the wheel handing the officer his license. HA!

Happy Friday and Halloween

Be safe and be comfortable with being different!

When Raspberry Poptarts Suck (17 October 2008)

There are mornings when frosted raspberry pop tarts just make the morning that much better. And there are mornings when chocolate milk will do a good job of hiking up that sugar level and coming close to raspberry pop tarts. And when there is just the DD guy, which makes me forget about everything! (Mostly because I become a babbling idiot, and am unable to do anything except drool!)

And then there are mornings when nothing will do. Not even a mediocre looking guy in a truck, and that is down right depressing I am here to tell you. Trucks get me going, so when a truck, and guy in a truck don't do it, something is seriously wrong! (Is there a pill for that?)

So what should one do? Write, I guess. It gets the icky stuff out, and lets everyone know that problems in life cannot be fixed by a raspberry pop tart (so sad). That sometimes, as simple or complex as problems may be, everyone has crap to deal with. Some get more crap than others. Some know how to deal with it better.

For the first time in a long time, I am OK with allowing myself to feel what I am going through, and to be able to process the good and the bad, both objectively and subjectively. I think that I have been, up until several weeks ago, not transparent enough to myself to know what is going on in my head. What a big expanse of space it is!

My friends(you readers, you), therapy, pop tarts, truck guys, and the DD guy have helped me through these difficult. I am in a better place than I ever have been in my life, and so these bumps in the road are OK. My issues are vast, but the solutions are simple. Grab some pop tarts, chocolate milk, a guy in a truck, and life will be happy for at least a short time. And when that doesn't work, kick the guy out of the truck and keep the yummy foods to myself! And then of course tell my friends.

It just sucks to be in the muck. In tribute to those who are in a mucky situation, this day and every day that applies shall be dubbed Sucky Muck Day! LOL

I would say eat all the raspberry pop tarts and chocolate milk one wants in order to get through this, however, I have the DD guy and truck guys to think of. No one wants a hefty pop tart eating, chocolate milk drinking man as a play date. So therefore, I shall write, and only nibble at raspberry pop tarts and sip chocolate milk. YEAHHHHH for raspberry pop tarts!

Even now just writing I feel better.

Thanks for reading!

This message is endorsed by the coalition for Raspberry Pop Tarts as Part of a Healthy Therapy!

In Pursuit of Raspberry Poptarts (03 October 2008)

The past few mornings I have been craving poptarts and sprite - the breakfast of champions! Not sure why, but probably because the sugar high is a nice way to introduce the morning. The problem is that most convenience stores do not offer Raspberry Pop Tarts. Strawberry is OK for a substitute, but it does not compare to raspberry. The only comparable fruit to raspberry is black raspberry. I digress.

Now, one might ask, why not stop at the super market and get a package. Well, you see the super markets are not open when I get up, and I always forget to pick them up when I go shopping. And to top it off, I would not have this story to share with all of you this fine October Morning.

I stop at two stores, ones that I would typically not stop at, this morning, hoping that there would a Raspberry Poptart stand at the front of the store, just waiting for me, possibly with some handsome man waiting to hand me a package. But of course, two stores, two disappointments. So I make my way to the old stand by, this convenience store next to DD (Dunkin Donuts) on route 85, full knowing that they will not have my raspberry poptarts. But they do have Sprite in a can (that's another story, cans vs bottles). I like this little mini mall, for many reasons, but the man reason is that there is always some eye candy, and many of these guys drive trucks. What could make me happier than guys in trucks, with poptarts and sprite? Raspberry poptarts, that's what!

I purchase my bland strawberry poptarts and can of sprite. I peek into DD to see what the line is like, because on Fridays I like to get munchkins for the people I work with. Its a nice way to start the last day of the work week. I decided not to do it this morning (booo) because the line was long, got to my truck and decided that I would endure this long line for my co-workers (btw - it was only three people long, but I felt like a little drama was appropriate here).

Well, good things happen to good people. What's better than Raspberry Pop Tarts, Sprite, and Guys in Trucks? Seeing this guy who works at DD, who I drooled over every time I saw him. We first met earlier this year when I was on a DD fix. Then he was gone.

There is a huge element of attraction (butterflies in the stomach), and every time I see him, I feel speechless. He's handsome, carries himself like a guy who knows what he wants, and he's muscular. He was gone for some period of time, where I don't know. Probably with his significant other. He sees me, and I think he smiles, that cocky but sly smirk. But that's just wishful thinking, just like thinking convenience stores carry Raspberry Poptarts. And what's better, he gets to wait on me (yeaahhh, i'm all giddy). And for the first time, he is wearing a name tag. Ahhh - Mr & Mr DD! (LOL) We exchange pleasantries, and then he winks at me as I leave. Big tease. If he drives a truck, its all over - gay or straight he's mine!

Ahhhh. With that image in mind, Strawberry Poptarts are better than just a poor substitute this fine October Morning.