Deep Thoughts by Raspberry Poptart (8 November 2008)

Do you recall on SNL those quick sayings by Jack Handey? I happen to run across one the other day and believe it or not, I forgot who it was or where it came from, until I read it.

"Imagine a world without war, and full of peace. Now imagine us attacking that world because they would not suspect it" - Jack Handey.

Those are the twisted thoughts that go through my mind as I tackle the world of leaves. Here is another thought, to the tone of the Visa commercial
  • Leaves falling from trees - $0
  • Wet leaves that the leave blower can't get - $0
  • Starting to rain and then you've put everything away and when the rain stops - $0
  • Knowing you got through 1/5 of the yard, and you are wet with perspiration, and hate nature - $0 and pissed off
  • Satisfaction - zero....

These are my thoughts as I did try to tackle the yard today. And there are still so many leaves to come down. I appreciate the circle of life, but on a movie, not in my back yard thank you.

Don't get me wrong, I'm just having fun now. I closed up shop because it did start to rain (or was that perspiration coming off my head, I digress), and was running out of bags to collect the wet heavy leaves. I love yard work, and I love to get dirty, but somehow leaves just don't do it for me. It's like trying to pick out grains of rice in hay - it just stinks! But it has to be done.

Other thoughts ran through my mind today, one happened to be this morning at Dunkin Donuts - no not the one with the guy I am afraid to talk to, the one down the street from where I live.

I was in line waiting, and I saw a father and his son. The boy couldn't have been more than 3 (its hard for me to gauge these children's age, nothing personal, just not my thing), and he was just bee bopping around, and his father was very playful. What struck me even more was that from that moment, I glimpsed that this dad allows his son to be who he is without question, without reserve, just there to protect and support.

Now we can all take a lesson from that - just support each other, and be there to protect when need be, so that we can be who we are.

I've got that with you, and you have that with me.

And on that note, no more leaves today. I'm going to veg in front of the tv and watch those leaves collect on the lawn again.

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