The Year of the Raspberry Poptart

Well, the end of the year is coming to a close, with a snow storm on our front door here in new england, I decided to recap some of the highlights of the raspberry poptart stories that have been written over the past few months. I began this list on cocktail napkins while waiting for a friend to have drinks with Tuesday evening. Funny how we get inspired sometimes, and the tools we use. Cocktail Napkin, waiter's pen, fun recap!

In tribute to The Adventures of Raspberry Poptart, here is a top 17 list (17? yes 17):

1. Pursue what you want. I was pursuing raspberry poptarts and came across the DD guy. This was the spark for these stories, which for me have been very therapeutic, for you entertaining, and for my therapist troublesome.

2. Take chances. Life is full of risks. Instead of waiting for things to happen, take charge and move forward, making life an adventure. Imagine if I had not pursued raspberry poptarts that morning. Your life would be with out these stories and this recap. That would be sad.

3. Accepting all of who you are. All of it. The good and the bad. I fully accept that I am a goof, and that my norm is better than what society has to offer. Who else is going to write about The Adventures of Raspberry Poptarts?

4. That this list sounds like another "Self Help" book. You know, there just ain't enough variations of these. I toss this list into the mix!

5. Men in trucks. You know, I don't understand it either, and the best way to equate is that I like raspberry poptarts, and don't know why. I know, it is because I like raspberry poptarts that I like men in trucks. I digress.

6. The Dunkin Donuts Guy. Whom without these stories would not exist.

7. Challenging yourself to do and be better. I certainly would not be here today if I did not have a sense that I can do and be better. Leaving Maine for an opportunity in Boston almost 13 years ago was the best thing I could have done. They just don't appreciate raspberry poptarts like you folks do. :-)

8. Men in trucks with snow plows! The rest of my thoughts are not appropriate here (see #13).

9. Rewiring your brain is not easy, but the pay off is substantial. Sometimes the lessons we learned as kids are not the tools we need today, but they are also the hardest lessons to unlearn.

10. Sharing your burden with others. Why be in misery by yourself, when you and your friends can collectively complain? LOL. In all seriousness, it lowers the stress and anxiety, making it easier to tackle those problems that plague us.

11. Knowing that you are not the only person who has problems and challenges in life (on the cocktails napkins I actually wrote "messed up", but that was short hand for the previous statement!). Just take a look at your friends and family. Apple meet the Apple Orchard. We attract people who have similiar issues in life. Thankfully, no one has issues with Raspberry Poptarts. It would be a sad day.

12. Anxiety, at least for me, is the fear of not having control. Some things like the weather cannot be controlled, but others, like pursuing raspberry poptarts can be controlled. Jenny Craig would wish that I did not have any control over my raspberry poptarts, so she could make some money!

13. That being naughty, as well as you are safe, is OK. Santa even said so!

14. That crying is not always about being sad. Yes, yes, I the guy who likes men in trucks watches chick flicks. If you watch Steel Magnolias, and do not cry, you need therapy. Lots. Try a raspberry poptart and then watch the movie. It may change your attitude.

15. That wearing plaid as a kid is the real reason for me going to therapy!

16. That my childhood does have good parts and bad parts (see #15).

17. Its all about me and its all about you. Sounds like a paradox, but it really isn't. With mutual respect and understanding. You understand that I have this weird obsession about raspberry poptarts, men in trucks, and the dunkin donuts guy. I respect that you may not get it! LOL

With that my friends, I wish you all the best in the new year to come.

And, have a moment to remember those who are no longer with us in this world. They are still a big part of us. Just as much as the living are.

Many Hugs, Cheers and Happy New Years!

What I would do for Raspberry Poptarts (24 December 2008)

This story is late, I know. The frequency of the delivery of the raspberry stories is off just a bit - typically every other Friday. No apologies here! Life happens! Between traveling for business, personal, and snow storms, life has been just a tad busy.
These raspberry poptart stories require some sort of spark, and I usually am not sure when the spark comes, but I do know that the stories revolve around the Dunkin Donuts guy. He is the one who inspired these installments in the first place. So it should happen that today's story is inspired by him, as well as the influx of men in trucks with snow plows!

So on one morning this week, I decided to stop by my favorite dunkin donuts (they just had a make over, how fun!), and was disappointed that he was not there. I returned to my truck to kcik off all the snow that accumulated in the wheel well during my drive, and low and behold, my guy was in the parking lot. Its like Santa delivered him personnaly! Of course, Santa knows I'm bad, so why he brought me the DD guy instead of a 5 year supply of coal is beyond me. Maybe its because he knows this guy is hopelessly straight, and he doesn't weigh as much as a 5 year supply of coal.

The charming piece about seeing the DD guy in the parking lot, is that he waved to me. OMG, Rupert! He waved to me and smiled that ever so charming smile. So, I waved back. Then plotted my next move.

I deliberately went to DD at lunch on that same day (yes, pathetic is a word one could choose to describe this), just so I could catch a glimpse of him again. Ask and you shall receive. I bought coffee I didn't even drink or need at that point (its sitting frozen in my truck). How hopeless am I? I'm not. Just weird, I guess. LOL I digress.

And today being another Friday (office is closed Thursday and Friday), so I picked up the usual munchkin pack for the office (people better show up, because I am not eating all of these myself) and there the DD Guy was with his santa hat, looking ever so damned charming. Where was the mistletoe when I needed it damn it! This was an emergency! If anyone is looking for a gift, then it should be mistletoe. Its like gum. You never know when you are going to need it.

I saw the DD Guy three times in two days. What a way to spend the holidays. I know, it would be more interessting if I just asked him out. But then where would the inspiration for these stories come from? Would I need to find someone new? What would he be like? Its kind of like when a tv stations has a sitcom and does not know when it is time to end it and move on to the next best thing. Nope, I'd rather keep him where he is for right now, as the DD Guy with a great smile. And besides, this is only season one!

Happy Holidays to you all!

BTW - That piece about 5 years worth of coal from Santa - I've been a busy boy! And Santa helped!