When Raspberry Poptarts Have No Raspberrys (26 November 2008)

Kind of a weird thought, huh. Raspberry poptarts with no Raspberrys! I have yet to come across this situation, and let me tell you if this should happen, there will be issues ( can you see my head rocking back and forth, along with a double finger snap), lots and lots of issues. The fall out of such an action of leaving the raspberrys out of raspberry poptarts would kind of be like the astronaut that lost it, went across country in a diaper to kidnap the other woman, except I would be going to battle creek MI, and I will stop for Bio Breaks. If diapers are to be a part of my life, it will not be through any action of my own. I best be a vegetable. I digress.

So, how did this story arise? I was cooking one of my favorite dishes, chicken and broccoli risotto. At the same time, I was making a new dish Spicy Mac & Cheese (OMG, how delish), and trying to entertain my friend Mike. My mind was in a lot of different places, and not from just cooking two dishes. The past couple of weeks have been rather trying and difficult. For the first time in a while, I have been exposed to friends losing loved ones. The collateral damage was and still is challenging, as their loss is mine as well. I guess you could say that I have been insulated from experiencing the pain of losing loved ones, regardless of how involved in their lives I was. These past couple of weeks was meant to remove the insulation and expose me to reality, shattering whatever bubble I was in.

OK. That was deep. Back on to some liter fair. Back to the story (OMG, how fun!). So now that you have a sense of where my mind was, and know that I have a smile on my face, you can guess that my mind was distracted while cooking dinner the other night. I was in rare form. I'm not sure I knew who I was, but I was enjoying every minute of my "goofiness". As I get to the end of cooking the risotto dish, and am ready to put the broccoli into the pan to complete the dish, I suddenly realize, and say out loud "There is no chicken in that pan, and any chicken I do have is in the freezer. How can a dish be chicken & brocolli rissoto if there is no chicken?!" Completely flustered, and out of my mind with laughter because I am flustered. I put the broccoli into the pan, finished cooking the dish, and said to my friend Mike - we are going out for dinner. And we enjoyed ribs.

Now, onto the DD guy (yummm, DD Guy). It has become a tradition, as you may have figured out from the previous stories, but for those of you that are new to these short stories, that I make my way to the DD store on Fridays. If asked why I go on Friday's and not other days, its because I get munchkins for my cube mates, and a way to celebrate the end of the week. You know I am not telling the whole truth, right? Can't you see there is a plan? I go on Friday's as a treat, not just for my cube mate's but because I treat myself to drooling over this man that works at DD (also because there are lots of trucks and men in trucks, which means lots of men). If I went every morning, it would not be a treat, and because I would go broke feeding my cube mates! So I have become accustomed to my Friday DD Guy Fix.

Well today is Friday, because the work week is over! So I got my fix this morning. I was very close to giving him my business card. But one has to wonder, as I do so much and often too much, do I want to give up my fix for something more or risk losing the fix all together? Alas, I retreated, but not without some spoils.... As he handed me the munchkins, our hands touched. I have to tell you that I never really believed in how a touch could linger but it did. It surprised me a bit as well, in a very nice way. I mumbled out something about turkey day, and walked away. Its almost as if the universe said, "Here is a treat! Enjoy". I am glowing and happy over this. next time I will hand him my card, I promise! :-)

If I have learned anything over the last couple of weeks, it is that life is that risks are required in order to enjoy the fullest life possible. Life is to be celebrated and cherished, because it can be gone in an instant.

To you, the reader, Have a great holiday. Be well, share life and love.

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