Wonderful Thanksgiving, With Wonderful Raspberry Poptart Surprize (28 November 2008)

Yes. Yes. On two fronts! :) Two stories in one week!? What the hell! And that raspberry poptart is incorporated into Thanksgiving, How fun!

This was the first year that I hosted TDay on my own, and it was fantastic! To be honest, I was scared of the turkey. Not about the carving part (because I dissected many animals as part of schooling and on the farm), but about cooking. If you recall The National Lampoon Christmas Vacation where one of the guests made the turkey, and when Chevy Chase goes to carve it, it opens up like a steam ball and is completely dry. There was not enough water or wine to help with the dryness. Well that was my fear, much like many of the horror movies I have watched, I was afraid of the DRY TURKEY!

I have great friends, and an excellent cook for a roomate (that would be Andrew), that helped with this most blessed day. Did I just say blessed. What the hell? What does that mean? This day was probably the most fantastic day I have had in a while. The last thanksgiving (sorry mom and Teresa, wasn't your fault), I caught a flu bug from one of my relatives, and holding down a sip of water was like a 1 year old trying to hold down a bull. WAS NOT GOING TO HAPPEN. It was like the Excorist had taken hold of my body. The best thing about Thanksgivng 2007 was that it was the first time in a long time that the entire family was there. Mother(Nancy), Father(John), Teresa, John Jr, their significant others and children and me were in the same place at the same time. It was truley amazing, and scary at the same time. I did not realize until now how powerful that was. I was more thankful then about the comfortable bed and TV in the room that I had stored myself in. Other people's children are great, because i can give them back! However they have a powerful 'anti-children' sense, and can deliver viscious colds upon you, and that's exactly what happened.

My family had a most excellent dinner that day, and checked on me frequently. They are my family, and I love them.

Did I mention it hurt to move? Nope! It sure did! That sucked, because when I wanted to change the channel, had to find the trashcan or toilet!. That was the 'Karen Carpenter TDay Diet Plan". Anyway, I digress, as I usually do.

TDay 2008 started off very busy. Prepping the turkey, the stuffin (sausage and apple), etc. Up at 630. Didn't hit the bed until late, and enjoyed every moment. This day was a day of Firsts - Friends, Family, and Fun. There was lots of Silver. Silver salt and pepper shakers, silver flower holders, silver sald bowl, silver butter holder, silver, silver silver. Do you get it? I like Silver. Gold is for other folk (possibly pedestrian folk, LOL). Jeanne brought it all. She is one of my best friends, and I cherish that, more than I could ever express in words. Sabre, Leigha, and Sean were also there (and Andrew for brief time before he left for his brother's), and we had a graet dinner. The turkey was cooked in a brown paper bag. DO NOT QUESTION THE BROWN PAPER BAG! It kept the turkey moist, only basted(sounds like??? LOL) it at the end. It was very tender, and am currently making soup. Yummm!

I am most thankful for my friends, my family, my roomate, and my ability to rise above the crap that surrounds me. The crap sometimes gets me down, as that is life, but the ability to recognize that is powerful in itself. It is not what one experiences, but how it is handled that makes the person.

With that readers, have a great holiday season and will blog with you soon. This weekend's project is to put these raspberry poptart stories into a blog.

OK, not done yet. A DD story - Andrew has offered to buy the guy from DD for me for xmas. How fun! FYI - He won't fit in a stocking, nore should he wear one.

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