In Pursuit of Raspberry Poptarts (03 October 2008)

The past few mornings I have been craving poptarts and sprite - the breakfast of champions! Not sure why, but probably because the sugar high is a nice way to introduce the morning. The problem is that most convenience stores do not offer Raspberry Pop Tarts. Strawberry is OK for a substitute, but it does not compare to raspberry. The only comparable fruit to raspberry is black raspberry. I digress.

Now, one might ask, why not stop at the super market and get a package. Well, you see the super markets are not open when I get up, and I always forget to pick them up when I go shopping. And to top it off, I would not have this story to share with all of you this fine October Morning.

I stop at two stores, ones that I would typically not stop at, this morning, hoping that there would a Raspberry Poptart stand at the front of the store, just waiting for me, possibly with some handsome man waiting to hand me a package. But of course, two stores, two disappointments. So I make my way to the old stand by, this convenience store next to DD (Dunkin Donuts) on route 85, full knowing that they will not have my raspberry poptarts. But they do have Sprite in a can (that's another story, cans vs bottles). I like this little mini mall, for many reasons, but the man reason is that there is always some eye candy, and many of these guys drive trucks. What could make me happier than guys in trucks, with poptarts and sprite? Raspberry poptarts, that's what!

I purchase my bland strawberry poptarts and can of sprite. I peek into DD to see what the line is like, because on Fridays I like to get munchkins for the people I work with. Its a nice way to start the last day of the work week. I decided not to do it this morning (booo) because the line was long, got to my truck and decided that I would endure this long line for my co-workers (btw - it was only three people long, but I felt like a little drama was appropriate here).

Well, good things happen to good people. What's better than Raspberry Pop Tarts, Sprite, and Guys in Trucks? Seeing this guy who works at DD, who I drooled over every time I saw him. We first met earlier this year when I was on a DD fix. Then he was gone.

There is a huge element of attraction (butterflies in the stomach), and every time I see him, I feel speechless. He's handsome, carries himself like a guy who knows what he wants, and he's muscular. He was gone for some period of time, where I don't know. Probably with his significant other. He sees me, and I think he smiles, that cocky but sly smirk. But that's just wishful thinking, just like thinking convenience stores carry Raspberry Poptarts. And what's better, he gets to wait on me (yeaahhh, i'm all giddy). And for the first time, he is wearing a name tag. Ahhh - Mr & Mr DD! (LOL) We exchange pleasantries, and then he winks at me as I leave. Big tease. If he drives a truck, its all over - gay or straight he's mine!

Ahhhh. With that image in mind, Strawberry Poptarts are better than just a poor substitute this fine October Morning.

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